Version 0.1.4

Version **0.1.4** is out:

- Levelup is now purely point-buy.

- Charisma and Confidence now have better game mechanics.

- Monster manual skull now glows when a character can be leveled up.

- New customer : Nadia the Tavernmaid.

- New customer : Mystern the Cultist.

- New poledancing scene for Sarn.

- The rascal satyr can no longer steal more money than you have, causing instant game-over. (Cheers @tingarius)

- The mysterious hole in the tree line has been patched (Cheers @therealkidnappersurpreme )

- Fixed issue in monster manual where portraits would not be aspect ratio'ed.

- Demonica learned to lay on more beds! <3

- Fixed glitch that could casue double-dipping in the same customer pool (Cheers @poppiboy)

- Making some adjustments in the spawn rulesets.

- XP from the nun is more streamlined and increased to 3.

- Tweaked the movement system.


MonsterBrothel PostJam Build 52 MB
Version 12 5 days ago

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